Friday, August 24, 2012

Back To School: Fashion Essentials

Okay. There was this weird situation with my back to school tutorial that I promised you guys, so let's just hope I get that little situation figured out by the end of the week (or the start of next week, at least). Moving on to the actual point of this post ;)

So I shared my essentials for my school bag yesterday and today I will be telling you guys all about my fashion essentials for school. The deal is, I've worn a school uniform all through elementary and middle school (so, basically - my whole life) so let's all take a minute and cry for my sad school life :'(

Just kidding. So I've worn a school uniform for my whole life but I've still somewhat managed to develop a fashion sense. Well, this isn't really the point, but whatever. The point is that I feel like because I've had to deal with a school uniform for 8 years already I've really learnt to accessorize and add little details to your average outfit that just tie everything together.

1. Black Flats If I could, I would've put down brown flats (brown is my all-time favorite color for accessories) but my school dress code requires black shoes, so I don't really have a say in that... Anyways, I have yet to find my perfect pair of flats (all of the ones I have give me horrible blisters!) so if you know any comfy ones please tell me! But these are pretty much an essential in everyone's wardrobe. I mean, you can wear them with anything. I've really been lusting over the Tory Burch Reva flats lately, but people say they're such a pain to break in and I don't really know if I want to pay that much money for shoes that will hurt me, even if it's for a couple of days.

2. Colorful/Bright Headband Ever since I started watching Gossip Girl I, of course, have became obsessed with everything Blair I went out and bought a ton of bright headbands. Best. Spur-of-the-moment purchase. Ever. I'm pretty darn sure I wear a headband 90% of the days I'm in school - they just add so much more to your average outfit!

3. Brown Cashmere Cardigan It gets pretty cold in Russia in the back-to-school months, so I think it's safe to say that any cardigan is a must. But. But. I absolutely adore brown cashmere cardigans (especially ones with little leather patches on the elbows!). I probably wear them every single day in the fall months!

4. Brown Riding Boots Now, don't get me wrong, not actual riding boots. I'm talking about those equestrian-style adorable boots we all see all over tumblr when the fall season rolls in. Anyways, I've been eyeing these Tory Burch Amanda riding boots for such a long time already and I really want to get them. Like, really soon :P

5. Grey Opaque Tights I wear skirts all the time. I live in them. I hardly ever wear jeans or shorts (mostly in the summer time), because I'm either in my loungewear or in my school uniform :P Anyways, as I said, it gets super cold where I live, and since I only really wear skirts, in the winter - it gets freezing. I probably have, like 30 pairs of grey opaque really thick tights (I call them my British boarding school tights :P).

6. Wool Checkered Scarf Okay, so I have this scarf at home, and I have no idea where it's from - I've had it for ages. It is so adorable and cozy - I just love it! Every time it gets cold - out comes my checkered wool scarf! Can't say enough good things about it!

Well, I hope you guys found this post somewhat helpful and interesting :) If I can get a faster internet access I will be doing more fun posts more often ;)


screenshots from hereherehere, and here (the pic of the scarf is mine)

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