Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Current Obsessions: Red and NTC

Hello there! Today I'll be talking about some of my current obsessions, which is something I haven't really done in a while! I know, the topics are pretty random, but they're just something I've been totally obsessing over for the past couple of weeks.

Red. Not the color. The Taylor Swift album. Can you say IN LOVE??? I just got the album on Monday and it's amazing!!! I've heard some negative things about it, but I think it's perfect! By far my favorite album by Taylor! My top favorite songs are "I Knew You Were Trouble" (I've listened to it about 100 times already...kind of obsessed), "Red", and "22". I just love how it has some more country-style songs ("Stay Stay Stay", "Everything Has Changed", "Begin Again", etc.) but also some more pop-like songs, like "I Knew You Were Trouble". Ob-sessed.

NTC NTC (Nike Training Club) is a free app for iPods or iPhones that has pleeeeeeenty of uh-mazing workouts (also bonus ones from professional athletes!) with demonstrations and explanations. It's pretty hard to explain, you really have to see it. All I'm saying is that it's free so there's nothing to lose, but believe me, if you're into working out like I am - you'll love it! I've been using it every single day ;)


Enjoy :)


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