Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer Plans

I am beyond excited for summer - I can't wait to get away from all of the drama and stress that is going on in school! And, boy, am I ready for High School.

I won't go too deep into my summer plans simply for personal safety reasons, but I'll go over them briefly. I honestly have no idea how often I'll be posting this summer, because it's going to be preeeetty busy.

School has yet to end for me - graduation is this Friday, and a week later I will be leaving to Spain with my mom and my two sisters. Two and a half weeks into our trip I will fly back to Moscow, meet my dad, and the both of us will fly off to the U.S. There we will be going to a One Direction concert with one of my friends (yes, our dads are going with us) and the next day my dad and I are (gasp!) heading off to visit my best friend in Los Angeles, California. The trip there is supposed to take about 3 days, so we'll spend 1-2 days in LA, and then head back (another 3 days) to the small town in Texas that we live in. Next, my dad and I will drive to Houston, pick up my little sister from her flight, and head down to the beach with our uncle. The rest of my summer is pretty undecided and blurry, but I'm pretty sure I'll be flying in to Moscow sometime mid-August. I'm pretty sure school starts somewhere around the 22nd of August for me, so I need to be in Russia about a week or so before that in order to fight off jet-lag and unpack.

I'll try to schedule as many posts as I can during my "free" week (which is next week), but I can't really promise anything :)

What are your plans for the summer? Will you be spending time with family and friends, or will you be spending quality time with your laptop? ;)

We all know what the answer to that question is.



  1. Cute blog!Love the second bathing suit!


    P.S.--Be sure to check out my new blog and follow!

  2. Thanks! Love your blog - followed :)
